Hello There! My name is Chelsea Wales. I am a graphic designer based in Southern Wisconsin. In 2021 I graduated from the Graphic Design and Illustration program at Madison Area Technical College. I am married to my wonderful husband Dustin, and together we have 4 adorable kiddos, and their initials all make the acronym "WOW" - which was definitely on purpose :)

When I was growing up, I dreamed of being a fashion designer. I remember the very first time I drew a dress when I was 12, and all I wanted after that was to create beautiful clothing. While my aspirations of going to fashion design school in NYC never came to life, I have enjoyed many endeavors that have fulfilled my designing dreams! 
I have had many crochet patterns published nationally and internationally, as well as many independently published designs. I have also made thousands of hand crocheted hats from my own specially refined pattern, that have been purchased by people all over the world. My hallmark was using the highest quality materials and creating unique color combinations that always kept my customers coming back (and they still come back even with my business on a very far back burner)

While pursuing my graphic design degree, I discovered the world of surface pattern design.  I fell in love with creating beautiful patterns that can be printed on textiles and beyond. I aspire to have my designs come to life on tactile goods!
In my spare time I enjoy traveling and exploring the great outdoors. Some of my favorite things include hiking with my kids, crocheting a rainbow of yarn into cool creations, and actively checking trips off my extremely long bucket list. Viva la vida!
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